IKORCC is First to Offer New Certification

Local 413 member Jeremy Feltz was the first to earn his DSI certification.

Several IKORCC training centers are now offering Door Safety Inspection Certification. Obtaining the Door Safety Inspection (DSI) Certification gives our members the ability to inspect doors inside healthcare or educational facilities to ensure they are compliant with the National Fire Protection Act. This new certification also helps the IKORCC break into a new market and secure additional work in facilities that require Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) trained carpenters.

The IKORCC is the first council in the United Brotherhood of Carpenters to offer this DSI Certification. Since the creation of the class and the first members obtaining their credentials, we’ve made major progress.

Over 25 members have taken the DSI prerequisite test to qualify for the course. Eight members have successfully passed the rigorous DSI course and certification. Four members in Northwest Indiana are actively inspecting doors, including one at the University of Notre Dame with over 10,000 doors.

Business Representatives have met with lawmakers in Indiana to start the process of adopting DSI with stricter enforcement. They also met with the Greenwood School Corporation to start a plan for DSI in all their facilities. In Akron, Ohio business reps hosted a DSI lunch & learn with local fire departments. Reps also met with contractors in Louisville to garner interest in the certification and inspections.

The IKORCC also started a marketing campaign for DSI, including informational flyers, brochures, and a webpage. Reps are also putting in groundwork in Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio presenting to contractors, hospitals, schools, and at the Innovation Summit and Midwest Engineering Conference.

To learn more about Door Safety Inspection Certification contact your local training center or visit ikorcc.com/DoorSafetyInspections.