A Message from IKORCC EST Todd Pancake

IKORCC EST Todd Pancake

EST Todd Pancake walks in the Terre Haute Labor Day Parade with his family and Local 133.

Brothers and Sisters,

On April 1st, 2019, I was appointed to fill the Executive Secretary Treasurer’s position vacated by then EST Mark McGriff with his appointment as the Midwestern District Vice President. I’ve been a proud member of the UBC and Carpenters Local #133 for 39 years. I completed my apprenticeship in 1984 and worked with general contractors including Circle B & Terstep. I also had a few pile driving opportunities. Building layout and concrete were definitely my favorite areas.

In 1991, I became a training instructor and worked for 15 years before I was hired as the Director of Education for the IN/KY Training Trust. After 12 years, I went to work for then EST McGriff as his Chief-of-Staff.  In July 2019, IKORCC delegates elected me to the EST position for a four-year term. It’s an honor and privilege to serve as your new EST.

This year we welcomed the merger of 7 industrial locals, 2,591 new members, 32 new delegates, and hired four industrial representatives. We now have a total of 282 delegates and 40 locals within the IKORCC.

While the last eight months have been a whirlwind, we’ve managed to keep our membership employed, increased our market share, and continue to look for new markets. In 2020, work opportunities are projected to increase across the council.

In my almost 40 years in the Brotherhood, this is the best I’ve seen our work opportunities! With that said, it is not the time to sit back and enjoy the ride. Now is the time to build our numbers with not just membership, but contractors and new owners. It’s time to continue looking for new untapped markets, securing work for the coming years.

I’m a firm believer in setting goals and know how important member participation is to helping us achieve them. Our 2019-2021 IKORCC Goals are as follows: increase membership by 1%, industrial membership by 5%, work hours by 340,000, and reduce suspensions by 5%.

Your participation is critical for our success. How can you help? Mentor a new member, spread the word to an unorganized worker, let business representatives know about new work, talk to friends working in unfair shops or factories that we might be able to organize. I encourage you to be an active member by attending local meetings and participating in MAC (Membership Action Committees) to ensure your voice is heard.

I’d like to personally thank all .300 hitters that attended Journeyman Leadership Programs and contractors that participated in our Collaborative Training Programs at the ITC. The dividends and buy-in from our contractor base are paying off. Please reach out to your contractors and let them know about these opportunities.

Our training programs continue to produce the most skilled and productive journey workers in the industry. This year alone we’ve graduated over 550 apprentices and have more than 5,250 currently enrolled.  The articles in this magazine will cover training, organizing & exciting things happening in your area, as well as across the Council.

It’s an honor working with you as we take on whatever crosses our path, knowing that our pride and commitment runs deep. I believe our success rests on good communication and want you to feel comfortable sharing your ideas with our leadership, to make us the best we can be.

General President McCarron has a saying, “If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.” Our membership gets it and that’s why this Council is so successful. In closing, I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year!




M. Todd Pancake

Executive Secretary-Treasurer

Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters