The Central Midwest Regional Council of Carpenters advocates an environment where everyone can thrive to do their best. We are of various ethnic, gender, education, background, and social back- grounds. We can generate many new ideas when we are able to all work together. Without diversity in the workplace, we run the risk of becoming monoculture and only viewing things from a very limited perspective. The Central Midwest Regional Council of Carpenters promotes a culture within our organization of diversity among all our workers.
Every day, thousands of women play a critical role in making the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America the best union in North America.
UBC women are in every area of the trade and the union: as foremen, superintendents and lead instructors; on the staff of Councils and locals; and, of course, on jobsites–as carpenters on all kinds of projects, millwrights fine-tuning turbines, pile drivers, floor layers, and mill-cab and industrial workers.
Sisters in the Brotherhood supports female members by providing assistance in obtaining craft training and leadership skills; by being advocates on women’s issues; and by mentoring new members and even potential members. SIB events, meetings, and resources, both local and online, offer substantive support for women members in every Council.
SIB encourages women to participate in training, develop their skills and job performance, and value productivity and leadership. With those efforts, today’s Sisters in the Brotherhood is building a better trade and a stronger, more effective UBC.
Our UBC sisters love building their futures with a career as carpenters, millwrights, and floorlayers. In this video, UBC sisters share the joys and challenges of working in the industry.
The UBC International Sisters in the Brotherhood Committee (SIB) offers opportunities to network and participate in workshops that expose women to UBC history and develop skills to become more active within the union. SIB events, meetings, and resources, both local and online, offer substantive support for women members in every Council. If you have the drive and the can-do attitude to become a true professional, consider becoming a member of the UBC.