Message from EST Todd Pancake

Brothers and Sisters,

I hope this finds you all in good health. As we reflect over our past year, we can’t help but wonder what our next challenge will be. COVID-19 has had a major impact on almost every aspect of our day to day routines this past year. Our council has risen to the challenge, from shutting down our training centers in March, and reopening with enhanced safety measures in May. We continued to provide a skilled work force through some tough times.

We were carved out as an essential workforce by governors in all three states, allowing our members to keep working through some very uncertain times. The trustees of our annuity funds saw fit to provide a COVID hardship for annuity access for members in need. We made the necessary adjustments to our Welfare Funds to see that members were able to maintain their coverage should they become infected by the virus.

42nd General Convention

The General Convention convened on August 22 at 24 different locations across the United States and Canada. We held ours in Greenwood, Indiana. We had 122 delegates, 54 alternates, and 5 guests participate in the event. I’d like to thank all of our delegates, staff, and committee members that helped pull this off, it was not easy. A special thanks to Rich Fletcher, Matt McGriff and those who served on local committees, along with our marketing team who helped make it a great experience and success for all.

Membership Employment

Work opportunities continue to come to the council! With that said, it’s not the time to sit back and enjoy the ride, it’s the time to build our membership and contractor base. Yes, you may have to travel, but the work will be there for us. We will continue to look for new untapped markets and step into factories for our industrial membership. While the last eight months have been a challenge, we’ve managed to keep most of our membership employed. As we look ahead, work opportunities are projected to increase in many areas across the council. If your area is slow, reach out to your reps and find out where to go for employment.

I encourage you to take an active part in your locals so that your voice is heard and you are up to speed on the progress of the Council. Attend a Local MAC (membership action committee) meeting to stay informed and help with a project. Be a mentor.

Set a goal to take at least two continuing ED classes in 2021. The first one recommended; the online COVID-19 awareness class, check with your local training center for other offerings.

It’s an honor to work with you as we take on any challenge, knowing that our pride and commitment runs deep. We understand what hard work means to reach our goals. I believe that our success rests on good communication and I want you to feel comfortable to reach out to our leadership with your ideas to make us the best we can be.

President McCarron says, “If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.” Our membership gets it and that’s why this Council has great success. In closing, I would like to wish you all a most prosperous New Year!




M. Todd Pancake

Executive-Secretary Treasurer